Baronne de Fleur  | AndyCards Srl

Barone Dei Fiori it

Baronne De Fleur

Set: MAZE - Maze of Memories Show complete set
1 Tuner + 1+ mostri non-Tuner
Una volta per turno: puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 carta sul Terreno; distruggila. Una volta mentre è scoperto sul Terreno, quando viene attivata una carta o un effetto (Effetto Rapido): puoi annullare l'attivazione e, se lo fai, distruggi quella carta. Puoi utilizzare il precedente effetto di "Barone dei Fiori" una sola volta per turno. Una volta per turno, durante la Standby Phase: puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 mostro di Livello 9 o inferiore nel tuo Cimitero; fai ritornare questa carta nell'Extra Deck e, se lo fai, Evoca Specialmente quel mostro.
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn: You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it. Once while face-up on the field, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card. You can only use the previous effect of "Baronne de Fleur" once per turn. Once per turn, during the Standby Phase: You can target 1 Level 9 or lower monster in your GY; return this card to the Extra Deck, and if you do, Special Summon that monster.
1st edition
Ultra rare
Effect monster Synchro monster WIND
Speed duel

Purchase options

Sold out Near mint (1st edition)

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
LED8-EN-024.jpeg Ultra rare 1 LED8-EN024 en Legendary Duelists: Synchro Storm N/A
Prismatic ultimate 1 RA01-EN034 en 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection N/A
Prismatic collectors rare 1 RA01-EN034 en 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection N/A
Platinum secret rare 1 RA01-EN034 en 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection  €19.90
Quarter century secret rare 1 RA01-EN034 en 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection N/A
Secret 1 RA01-EN034 en 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection  €13.50
Ultra rare 1 RA01-EN034 en 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection  €5.89
Super rare 1 RA01-EN034 en 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection  €3.89
Collectors rare 1 MAZE-EN051 en Maze Of Memories N/A
MAZE-EN-051.jpeg Ultra rare 1 MAZE-EN051 en Maze Of Memories N/A
RA01-IT-034UR.jpeg Ultra rare 1 RA01-IT034 it 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection  €5.89
RA01-IT-034S.jpeg Secret 1 RA01-IT034 it 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection  €12.95
RA01-IT-034SR.jpeg Super rare 1 RA01-IT034 it 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection N/A
RA01-IT-034QC.jpeg Quarter century secret rare 1 RA01-IT034 it 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection  €64.90
RA01-IT-034PLS.jpeg Platinum secret rare 1 RA01-IT034 it 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection  €19.90
Collectors rare 1 MAZE-IT051 it Maze Of Memories N/A
RA01-IT-034PCL.jpeg Prismatic collectors rare 1 RA01-IT034 it 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection  €24.90
RA01-IT-034PU.jpeg Prismatic ultimate 1 RA01-IT034 it 25Th Anniversary Rarity Collection  €29.90
LED8-IT-024.jpeg Ultra rare 1 LED8-IT024 it Legendary Duelists: Synchro Storm N/A