Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster en

Set: EOJ - Enemy of Justice Show complete set
If this card was Special Summoned by the effect of "Clock Tower Prison", destroy all monsters on your side of the field except the ones that include "Destiny Hero" in their card names, then you can Special Summon up to 2 monsters from your Graveyard that include "Destiny Hero" in their card names. During the turn this card is Special Summoned, monsters on your side of the field that include "Destiny Hero" in their card names cannot be destroyed, and all Battle Damage inflicted to the controller of this card becomes 0 during battle involving monsters on your side of the field that include "Destiny Hero" in their card names. The ATK and DEF of this card are equal to the combined original ATK of all monsters on your side of the field (except this card) that include "Destiny Hero" in their card names.
Se questa carta viene Evocata Specialmente da "Prigione della Torre dell'Orologio": distruggi tutti i mostri che controlli, eccetto i mostri "EROE del Destino" scoperti, poi puoi Evocare Specialmente fino a 2 mostri "EROE del Destino" dal tuo Cimitero. Durante ogni turno in cui questa carta viene Evocata Specialmente, i mostri "EROE del Destino" che controlli non possono essere distrutti, e non subisci danni da combattimento quando essi combattono. L'ATK e il DEF di questa carta sono pari alla somma degli ATK originali di tutti gli altri mostri "EROE del Destino" che controlli.
1st edition
Effect monster DARK
Speed duel

Purchase options

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Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
EOJ-EN-004.jpeg Ultra rare 1 EOJ-EN004 en Enemy Of Justice N/A
LEHD-EN-A03.jpeg Common 1 LEHD-ENA03 en Legendary Hero Decks  €0.35
LCGX-EN-125.jpeg Super rare U LCGX-EN125 en Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years N/A
EOJ-EN-004.jpeg Ultra rare U EOJ-EN004 en Enemy Of Justice N/A
Ultimate U EOJ-EN004 en Enemy Of Justice N/A
LCGX-EN-125.jpeg Super rare 1 LCGX-EN125 en Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years N/A
Rare 1 DP05-EN004 en Aster Phoenix N/A
Rare U DP05-EN004 en Aster Phoenix N/A
Rare U DR04-EN184 en Dark Revelation Vol. 4 N/A
LEHD-IT-A03.jpeg Common 1 LEHD-ITA03 it Legendary Hero Decks N/A
EOJ-IT-004.jpeg Ultra rare 1 EOJ-IT004 it Enemy Of Justice N/A
LCGX-IT-125.jpeg Super rare 1 LCGX-IT125 it Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years N/A
DP05-IT-004.jpeg Rare U DP05-IT004 it Aster Phoenix N/A
DP05-IT-004.jpeg Rare 1 DP05-IT004 it Aster Phoenix N/A
EOJ-IT-004U.jpeg Ultimate U EOJ-IT004 it Enemy Of Justice N/A
EOJ-IT-004.jpeg Ultra rare U EOJ-IT004 it Enemy Of Justice N/A
EOJ-IT-004U.jpeg Ultimate 1 EOJ-IT004 it Enemy Of Justice  €399.00