EBON ARROW  | AndyCards Srl

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Ebon Arrow

Set: CRMS - Crimson Crisis Show complete set
Select 1 face-up monster you control. Until the End Phase, it loses 500 ATK and during battle between that attacking monster and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the selected monster's ATK, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. When the selected monster destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard this turn, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's original DEF.
Scegli 1 mostro scoperto che controlli.Fino alla end phase,esso perde 500 ATK e Durante un combattimento tra quel mostro attaccante ed un mostro in posizione di difesa il cui DEF sia inferiore all'ATK del mostro scelto,infliggi la differenza al tuo avversario come danno da combattimento. Quando il mostro scelto distrugge un mostro in battagliae lo manda al cimitero in questo turno,infliggi danni al tuo avversario pari al DEF originale del mostro distrutto.
Normal trap
Speed duel

Purchase options

7 available Near mint (Unlimited)

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
Common 1 CRMS-EN069 en Crimson Crisis N/A
Common U CRMS-EN069 en Crimson Crisis N/A
DP11-EN-021.jpeg Common 1 DP11-EN021 en Duelist Pack : Crow N/A
DP11-EN-021.jpeg Common U DP11-EN021 en Duelist Pack : Crow N/A
CRMS-IT-069.jpeg Common 1 CRMS-IT069 it Crimson Crisis  €1.00
DP11-IT-021.jpeg Common 1 DP11-IT021 it Duelist Pack : Crow  €0.25
DP11-IT-021.jpeg Common U DP11-IT021 it Duelist Pack : Crow N/A