FEATHER SHOT  | AndyCards Srl

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Feather Shot

Set: EEN - Elemental Energy Show complete set
Select 1 face-up "Elemental Hero Avian" on your side of the field to activate this card. This turn, the selected card can attack as many times as the number of monster(s) on your side of the field when this card resolves. In that case, it cannot attack your opponent’s Life Points directly, and your other monster(s) cannot attack.
Scegli 1 AVIAN EROE ELEMENTALE scoperto sul tuo terreno per attivare questa carta. Questo turno la carta scelta può attaccare tante volte quanto il numero di mostri sul tuo terreno, quando l'effetto di quesat carta si risolve. In questo caso non può attaccare direttamente i life Points delt uo avversario e gli altri mostri non possono attaccare.
1st edition
Normal spell
Speed duel

Purchase options

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Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
Rare 1 EEN-EN042 en Elemental Energy N/A
Ultimate 1 EEN-EN042 en Elemental Energy N/A
Rare U EEN-EN042 en Elemental Energy N/A
Ultimate U EEN-EN042 en Elemental Energy N/A
Common 1 DP1-EN017 en Jaden Yuki N/A
Common U DP1-EN017 en Jaden Yuki N/A
Common U DR04-EN102 en Dark Revelation Vol. 4 N/A
LCGX-EN-083.jpeg Rare 1 LCGX-EN083 en Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years N/A
LCGX-EN-083.jpeg Rare U LCGX-EN083 en Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years  €0.70
EEN-IT-042.jpeg Rare 1 EEN-IT042 it Elemental Energy  €1.90
EEN-IT-042.jpeg Rare U EEN-IT042 it Elemental Energy N/A
EEN-IT-042U.jpeg Ultimate U EEN-IT042 it Elemental Energy N/A
DP1-IT-017.jpeg Common 1 DP1-IT017 it Jaden Yuki N/A
DP1-IT-017.jpeg Common U DP1-IT017 it Jaden Yuki N/A
LCGX-IT-083.jpeg Rare 1 LCGX-IT083 it Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years  €1.00