KING'S SYNCHRO  | AndyCards Srl

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King's Synchro

Set: DPDG - Duelist Pack: Dimensional Guardians Show complete set
When your opponent's monster declares an attack on a Synchro Monster you control: Negate the attack, then you can apply the rest of this card's effect. Banish that Synchro Monster you control and 1 Tuner from your GY, and if you do, Special Summon from your Extra Deck 1 Synchro Monster whose Level equals the total Levels the banished monsters had. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon.)
Quando un mostro del tuo avversario dichiara un attacco su un Mostro Synchro che controlli: annulla l'attacco, poi puoi applicare il resto dell'effetto di questa carta. Bandisci quel Mostro Synchro che controlli e 1 Tuner dal tuo Cimitero e, se lo fai, Evoca Specialmente dal tuo Extra Deck 1 Mostro Synchro con Livello pari alla somma dei Livelli che avevano i mostri banditi. (Questa Evocazione Speciale viene considerata come una Synchro Evocazione.)
1st edition
Normal trap
Speed duel

Purchase options

46 available Near mint (1st edition)

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
INOV-EN-067.jpeg Super rare U INOV-EN067 en Invasion: Vengeance N/A
INOV-EN-067.jpeg Super rare 1 INOV-EN067 en Invasion: Vengeance  €0.50
DPDG-EN-034.jpeg Rare 1 DPDG-EN034 en Duelist Pack: Dimensional Guardians  €0.40
SDCK-EN-034.jpeg Common 1 SDCK-EN034 en Structure Deck: The Crimson King  €0.25
INOV-IT-067.jpeg Super rare 1 INOV-IT067 it Invasion: Vengeance  €0.60
INOV-IT-067.jpeg Super rare U INOV-IT067 it Invasion: Vengeance  €0.35
SDCK-IT-034.jpeg Common 1 SDCK-IT034 it Structure Deck: The Crimson King  €0.35