Luce Del Giudizio it

Light Of Judgment

Set: SR05 - Structure Deck: Wave of Light Show complete set
Activate this card by discarding 1 LIGHT Monster Card from your hand to the Graveyard while "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field. Select 1 card on the field controlled by your opponent or 1 card in your opponent's hand, and send it to the Graveyard. NEW TEXT: Activate this card by discarding 1 LIGHT Monster Card from your hand to the Graveyard while "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field. Select 1 card on the field controlled by your opponent or 1 card in your opponent's hand (you can look at your opponent's hand), and send it to the Graveyard.
Se "Il Santuario nel Cielo" è sul Terreno: scarta al Cimitero 1 mostro LUCE; applica 1 dei seguenti effetti.
?Guarda la mano del tuo avversario e scarta 1 carta dalla sua mano.
?Manda al Cimitero 1 carta controllata dal tuo avversario.
1st edition
Normal trap
Speed duel

Purchase options

79 available Near mint (1st edition)

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
Common 1 AST-EN048 en Ancient Sanctuary N/A
Common U AST-EN048 en Ancient Sanctuary N/A
Common U DR2-EN160 en Dark Revelation Vol. 2 N/A
Blue rare U DL12-EN020 en Duelist League 12 N/A
Green rare U DL12-EN020 en Duelist League 12 N/A
Pink rare U DL12-EN020 en Duelist League 12 N/A
Red rare U DL12-EN020 en Duelist League 12 N/A
SR05-EN-032.jpeg Common 1 SR05-EN032 en Structure Deck: Wave Of Light  €0.20
AST-IT-048.jpeg Common 1 AST-IT048 it Ancient Sanctuary  €1.50
AST-IT-048.jpeg Common U AST-IT048 it Ancient Sanctuary N/A
DR2-IT-160.jpeg Common U DR2-IT160 it Dark Revelation Vol. 2  €0.25
DL12-IT-020BL.jpeg Blue rare U DL12-IT020 it Duelist League 12 N/A
DL12-IT-020VE.jpeg Green rare U DL12-IT020 it Duelist League 12 N/A
DL12-IT-020VI.jpeg Pink rare U DL12-IT020 it Duelist League 12 N/A
DL12-IT-020RO.jpeg Red rare U DL12-IT020 it Duelist League 12 N/A