Maglio Magico it

Magical Mallet

Set: DP2 - Chazz & Princeton Show complete set
Shuffle any number of cards from your hand into the Deck, then draw that same number of cards.
Aggiungi un qualsiasi numero di carte dalla tua mano al deck e mischialo. Quindi pesca lo stesso numero di carte aggiunte al tuo deck.
Super rare
Normal spell
Speed duel

Purchase options

2 available Very good (Unlimited)
Sold out Excellent (Unlimited)
1 available Near mint (Unlimited)

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
Common 1 SD09-EN027 en Dinosaur's Rage N/A
RYMP-EN-065.jpeg Common U RYMP-EN065 en Ra Yellow Mega-Pack N/A
RYMP-EN-065.jpeg Common 1 RYMP-EN065 en Ra Yellow Mega-Pack N/A
LCGX-EN-187.jpeg Ultra rare U LCGX-EN187 en Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years N/A
LCGX-EN-187.jpeg Ultra rare 1 LCGX-EN187 en Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years N/A
Red rare U DL12-EN015 en Duelist League 12 N/A
Pink rare U DL12-EN015 en Duelist League 12 N/A
Green rare U DL12-EN015 en Duelist League 12 N/A
Blue rare U DL12-EN015 en Duelist League 12 N/A
Common U SD7-EN021 en Invincible Fortress N/A
Common 1 SD7-EN021 en Invincible Fortress N/A
DP2-EN-024.jpeg Super rare U DP2-EN024 en Chazz & Princeton N/A
DP2-EN-024.jpeg Super rare 1 DP2-EN024 en Chazz & Princeton N/A
Common U SD09-EN027 en Dinosaur's Rage N/A
SD7-IT-021.jpeg Common U SD7-IT021 it Invincible Fortress N/A
DL12-IT-015BL.jpeg Blue rare U DL12-IT015 it Duelist League 12 N/A
DL12-IT-015VE.jpeg Green rare U DL12-IT015 it Duelist League 12 N/A
DL12-IT-015VI.jpeg Pink rare U DL12-IT015 it Duelist League 12 N/A
DL12-IT-015RO.jpeg Red rare U DL12-IT015 it Duelist League 12 N/A
SD7-IT-021.jpeg Common 1 SD7-IT021 it Invincible Fortress  €4.90
LCGX-IT-187.jpeg Ultra rare 1 LCGX-IT187 it Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years N/A
DP2-IT-024.jpeg Super rare 1 DP2-IT024 it Chazz & Princeton from  €29.90
RYMP-IT-065.jpeg Common 1 RYMP-IT065 it Ra Yellow Mega-Pack N/A
SD09-IT-027.jpeg Common U SD09-IT027 it Dinosaur's Rage N/A
RYMP-IT-065.jpeg Common U RYMP-IT065 it Ra Yellow Mega-Pack N/A
SD09-IT-027.jpeg Common 1 SD09-IT027 it Dinosaur's Rage  €7.50