MAJOR RIOT  | AndyCards Srl

Major Riot en

Set: PSV - Pharaoh's Servant Show complete set
You can activate this card when 1 or more of your monsters are returned from the field to your hand. Return all Monster Cards on the field to your respective hands. Both you and your opponent can then Special Summon from your hand the same number of Monster Cards on the field in face-down Defense Position. NEW TEXT: You can activate this card when 1 or more of your monsters are returned from the field to your hand by your opponent's card effect. Return all Monster Cards on the field to your respective hands. Both you and your opponent then Special Summon from your hand the same number of Monster Cards on the field in face-down Defense Position.
Se uno o più mostri che controlli ritornano nella tua mano a causa dell'effetto di una carta dell'avversario: fai ritornare nella mano tanti mostri sul Terreno quanti possibile, poi ogni giocatore Evoca Specialmente dalla sua mano, coperti in Posizione di Difesa, mostri pari al numero di Carte Mostro che sono state fatte ritornare nella sua mano.
1st edition
Normal trap
Speed duel

Purchase options

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Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
PSV-EN-029.jpeg Common U PSV-EN029 en Pharaoh's Servant N/A
PSV-EN-029-UNL23.jpeg Common U23 PSV-EN029 en Pharaoh's Servant (25Th Anniversary) N/A
SDF-IT-029.jpeg Common 1 SDF-IT029 it Servitore Del Faraone  €1.50
SDF-IT-029.jpeg Common U SDF-IT029 it Servitore Del Faraone  €1.20
PSV-IT-029-UNL23.jpeg Common U23 PSV-IT029 it Pharaoh's Servant (25Th Anniversary)  €1.00