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Monster Recovery

Set: YGLD - Yugi's Legendary Decks Show complete set
Target 1 monster you control that is owned by you; if that monster is still on the field, shuffle it and your entire hand into the Deck, also, after that, draw cards equal to the number of cards you shuffled from your hand into the Deck by this effect. (You cannot activate this card if you have a card in your hand that is owned by your opponent.)
Scegli come bersaglio 1 mostro che controlli che possiedi; se quel mostro è ancora sul Terreno, mischia lui e tutta la tua mano nel Deck, inoltre, dopo aver fatto quello, pesca carte pari al numero di carte che hai mischiato dalla tua mano nel Deck per questo effetto. (Non puoi attivare questa carta se hai nella tua mano una carta di cui il tuo avversario è il possessore.)
1st edition
Quick-play spell
Speed duel

Purchase options

10 available Near mint (1st edition)

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
Common U DB1-EN181 en Dark Beginnings Vol. 1  €0.50
PSV-EN-066.jpeg Rare 1 PSV-EN066 en Pharaoh's Servant N/A
YGLD-EN-A27.jpeg Common 1 YGLD-ENA27 en Yugi's Legendary Decks  €0.40
YGLD-EN-B29.jpeg Common 1 YGLD-ENB29 en Yugi's Legendary Decks  €0.35
Common U YGLD-ENA27 en Yugi's Legendary Decks  €0.25
Common U YGLD-ENB29 en Yugi's Legendary Decks  €0.25
PSV-EN-066-UNL23.jpeg Rare U23 PSV-EN066 en Pharaoh's Servant (25Th Anniversary) N/A
SDF-IT-066.jpeg Rare 1 SDF-IT066 it Servitore Del Faraone  €12.90
SDF-IT-066.jpeg Rare U SDF-IT066 it Servitore Del Faraone  €2.90
YGLD-IT-B29.jpeg Common 1 YGLD-ITB29 it Yugi's Legendary Decks  €0.50
YGLD-IT-A27-UNL.jpeg Common U YGLD-ITA27 it Yugi's Legendary Decks  €0.50
YGLD-IT-B29-UNL.jpeg Common U YGLD-ITB29 it Yugi's Legendary Decks  €0.50
PSV-IT-066-UNL23.jpeg Rare U23 PSV-IT066 it Pharaoh's Servant (25Th Anniversary)  €1.50