NEKROZ MIRROR  | AndyCards Srl

Specchio Nekroz it

Nekroz Mirror

Set: DUPO - Alternate Art Duel Power Show complete set
This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Nekroz" Ritual Monster. Tribute monsters from your hand or field, and/or banish "Nekroz" monsters from your Graveyard, then Ritual Summon 1 "Nekroz" Ritual Monster from your hand whose Level exactly equals the total Levels of those monsters. You can only use this effect of "Nekroz Mirror" once per turn. If you control no monsters: You can banish this card and 1 "Nekroz" monster from your Graveyard; add 1 "Nekroz" Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.
Questa carta può essere utilizzata per Evocare tramite Rituale qualsiasi mostro "Nekroz". Offri come tributo dalla tua mano o Terreno, e/o bandisci mostri "Nekroz" dal tuo Cimitero, poi Evoca tramite Rituale dalla tua mano 1 Mostro Rituale "Nekroz" il cui
1st edition
Ultra rare
Ritual spell
Speed duel

Purchase options

66 available Near mint (1st edition)

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
THSF-EN-020.jpeg Secret 1 THSF-EN020 en The Secret Forces  €1.00
THSF-EN-020.jpeg Secret U THSF-EN020 en The Secret Forces  €1.00
DUPO-EN-097.jpeg Ultra rare 1 DUPO-EN097 en Alternate Art Duel Power  €0.40
THSF-IT-020.jpeg Secret 1 THSF-IT020 it The Secret Forces  €1.50