Nobleman Of Extermination en

Set: PSV - Pharaoh's Servant Show complete set
Destroy 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card and remove it from play. If the card is a Trap Card, both players must remove all Trap Cards of the same name from their respective Decks and remove them from play. The Decks are then shuffled. NEW TEXT: Destroy 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card and remove it from play. If the card is a Trap Card, both players must check their respective Decks and remove all cards of the same name from play. Then shuffle the Decks.
Scegli come bersaglio 1 Magia/Trappola coperta sul Terreno; distruggi quel bersaglio e, se lo fai, bandiscilo, poi, se era una Trappola, ogni giocatore rivela il suo Main Deck, poi bandisce da esso tutte le carte con il nome di quella carta.
1st edition
Normal spell
Speed duel

Purchase options

No purchase option is available for this card

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
Common U TP4-EN016 en Tournament Pack - 4Th Season N/A
Common U DB1-EN089 en Dark Beginnings Vol. 1  €9.90
Blue rare U DL11-EN015 en Duelist League 11 N/A
Green rare U DL11-EN015 en Duelist League 11 N/A
Pink rare U DL11-EN015 en Duelist League 11 N/A
Red rare U DL11-EN015 en Duelist League 11 N/A
SBCB-EN-117.jpeg Common 1 SBCB-EN117 en Battle City Box N/A
PSV-EN-035-UNL23.jpeg Rare U23 PSV-EN035 en Pharaoh's Servant (25Th Anniversary) N/A
SDF-IT-035.jpeg Rare 1 SDF-IT035 it Servitore Del Faraone N/A
SDF-IT-035.jpeg Rare U SDF-IT035 it Servitore Del Faraone N/A
DL11-IT-015BL.jpeg Blue rare U DL11-IT015 it Duelist League 11  €5.00
DL11-IT-015VE.jpeg Green rare U DL11-IT015 it Duelist League 11  €5.00
DL11-IT-015VI.jpeg Pink rare U DL11-IT015 it Duelist League 11  €5.00
DL11-IT-015RO.jpeg Red rare U DL11-IT015 it Duelist League 11  €5.00
SBCB-IT-117.jpeg Common 1 SBCB-IT117 it Battle City Box N/A
PSV-IT-035-UNL23.jpeg Rare U23 PSV-IT035 it Pharaoh's Servant (25Th Anniversary) N/A