GRAVEROBBER  | AndyCards Srl

Graverobber en

Set: PSV - Pharaoh's Servant Show complete set
You can take 1 Spell Card from your opponent's Graveyard. If it is your turn and you activate it, you take 2000 points of Direct Damage. If it is your opponent's turn, you cannot activate it. The Spell Card is returned to your opponent's Graveyard at the end of this turn. NEW TEXT: Select 1 Spell Card from your opponent's Graveyard. You can use it as your hand until the end of the turn. If you use it, you take 2000 points of damage.
Scegli 1 Carta Magia dal Cimitero del tuo avversario. Fino alla fine del turno, puoi usarla come se fosse una tua carta. Se la attivi, ricevi 2000 punti di danno.
1st edition
Super rare
Normal trap
Speed duel

Purchase options

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Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
PSV-EN-008.jpeg Super rare U PSV-EN008 en Pharaoh's Servant N/A
Common U DB1-EN072 en Dark Beginnings Vol. 1  €1.00
PSV-EN-008-UNL23.jpeg Super rare U23 PSV-EN008 en Pharaoh's Servant (25Th Anniversary) N/A
SDF-IT-008.jpeg Super rare 1 SDF-IT008 it Servitore Del Faraone N/A
SDF-IT-008.jpeg Super rare U SDF-IT008 it Servitore Del Faraone N/A
PSV-IT-008-UNL23.jpeg Super rare U23 PSV-IT008 it Pharaoh's Servant (25Th Anniversary) N/A