SAFE ZONE  | AndyCards Srl

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Safe Zone

Set: WGRT - War of the Giants : Reinforcements Show complete set
Select 1 face-up Attack Position monster on the field. It cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects, it cannot be destroyed by battle, and it cannot attack your opponent directly. When this card is removed from the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is removed from the field, destroy this card.
Attiva scegliendo 1 mostro scoperto in Posizione di Attacco. Quel mostro non può essere scelto come bersaglio o distrutto dagli effetti delle carte del tuo avversario, o essere distrutto in battaglia. Esso non può attaccare il tuo avversario direttamente. Quando questa carta viene rimossa dal Terreno, distruggi quel mostro. Quando quel mostro viene rimosso dal Terreno, distruggi questa carta.
Ultra rare
Continuous trap
Speed duel

Purchase options

9 available Near mint (Limited)

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
EXVC-EN-078.jpeg Super rare 1 EXVC-EN078 en Extreme Victory N/A
EXVC-EN-078.jpeg Super rare U EXVC-EN078 en Extreme Victory N/A
WGRT-EN-103.jpeg Ultra rare L WGRT-EN103 en War Of The Giants : Reinforcements N/A
AP08-EN-026.jpeg Common U AP08-EN026 en Astral Pack 8  €1.00
SDPL-EN-036.jpeg Common 1 SDPL-EN036 en Powercode Link Structure Deck  €0.35
EXVC-IT-078.jpeg Super rare 1 EXVC-IT078 it Extreme Victory from  €3.50
EXVC-IT-078.jpeg Super rare U EXVC-IT078 it Extreme Victory N/A
AP08-IT-026.jpeg Common U AP08-IT026 it Astral Pack 8  €0.50
SDPL-IT-036.jpeg Common 1 SDPL-IT036 it Powercode Link Structure Deck  €0.50