SALAMANDRA  | AndyCards Srl

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Set: DL15 - Duelist League 15 Show complete set
Equip only to a FIRE monster; it gains 700 ATK.
Equipaggia solo a un mostro FUOCO. Esso guadagna 700 ATK.
Green rare
Equip spell
Speed duel

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Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
Common 1 LCJW-EN062 en Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 4 : Joey's World N/A
LDK2-EN-J27-UNL24.jpeg Common U24 LDK2-ENJ27 en Yugi's Legendary Decks Ii N/A
SGX1-EN-H12.jpeg Common 1 SGX1-ENH12 en Duel Academy Box  €0.40
LDK2-EN-J27-UNL.jpeg Common U LDK2-ENJ27 en Yugi's Legendary Decks Ii  €0.30
LDK2-EN-J27.jpeg Common 1 LDK2-ENJ27 en Yugi's Legendary Decks Ii  €0.20
Prismatic-secret U DDS-EN006 en Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories N/A
Red rare U DL15-EN013 en Duelist League 15 N/A
Pink rare U DL15-EN013 en Duelist League 15 N/A
Blue rare U DL15-EN013 en Duelist League 15 N/A
LCJW-IT-062.jpeg Common 1 LCJW-IT062 it Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 4 : Joey's World  €1.00
LDK2-IT-J27.jpeg Common 1 LDK2-ITJ27 it Yugi's Legendary Decks Ii  €0.35
DL15-IT-013RO.jpeg Red rare U DL15-IT013 it Duelist League 15 N/A
LDK2-IT-J27-UNL.jpeg Common U LDK2-ITJ27 it Yugi's Legendary Decks Ii  €0.35
DL15-IT-013VI.jpeg Pink rare U DL15-IT013 it Duelist League 15 N/A
SGX1-IT-H12.jpeg Common 1 SGX1-ITH12 it Duel Academy Box  €0.40
DL15-IT-013VE.jpeg Green rare U DL15-IT013 it Duelist League 15  €9.90
LDK2-IT-J27-UNL24.jpeg Common U24 LDK2-ITJ27 it Yugi's Legendary Decks Ii  €0.29
DL15-IT-013BL.jpeg Blue rare U DL15-IT013 it Duelist League 15 N/A