Spaventapasseri Di Ferraglia it

Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

Set: SPWA - Spirit Warriors Show complete set
Activate only when an opponent's monster declares an attack. Negate the attack, and Set this card face-down again instead of sending it to the Graveyard.
Quando un mostro dell'avversario dichiara un attacco: scegli come bersaglio il mostro attaccante; annulla l'attacco, inoltre, dopo aver fatto quello, Posiziona questa carta coperta invece di mandarla al Cimitero.
1st edition
Super rare
Normal trap
Speed duel

Purchase options

9 available Near mint (1st edition)

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
Common 1 5DS1-EN032 en Yu-Gi-Ho! 5D's Starter Deck N/A
SPWA-EN-058.jpeg Super rare 1 SPWA-EN058 en Spirit Warriors N/A
SDSE-EN-035.jpeg Common 1 SDSE-EN035 en Synchron Extreme Structure Deck N/A
LC5D-EN-051.jpeg Ultra rare 1 LC5D-EN051 en Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 5D's  €8.90
DL18-EN-018RO.jpeg Red rare U DL18-EN018 en Duelist League 18  €6.90
DL18-EN-018VI.jpeg Pink rare U DL18-EN018 en Duelist League 18  €6.90
DL18-EN-018VE.jpeg Green rare U DL18-EN018 en Duelist League 18  €6.90
DL18-EN-018BL.jpeg Blue rare U DL18-EN018 en Duelist League 18  €6.90
Common U 5DS2-EN038 en Yu-Gi-Ho! 5D's Starter Deck 2009 N/A
Common 1 5DS2-EN038 en Yu-Gi-Ho! 5D's Starter Deck 2009 N/A
Common U 5DS1-EN032 en Yu-Gi-Ho! 5D's Starter Deck N/A
DL18-IT-018BL.jpeg Blue rare U DL18-IT018 it Duelist League 18  €11.90
DL18-IT-018VE.jpeg Green rare U DL18-IT018 it Duelist League 18  €11.90
DL18-IT-018VI.jpeg Pink rare U DL18-IT018 it Duelist League 18 N/A
DL18-IT-018RO.jpeg Red rare U DL18-IT018 it Duelist League 18  €9.90
5DS2-IT-038.jpeg Common U 5DS2-IT038 it Yu-Gi-Ho! 5D's Starter Deck 2009 N/A
5DS2-IT-038.jpeg Common 1 5DS2-IT038 it Yu-Gi-Ho! 5D's Starter Deck 2009 N/A
LC5D-IT-051.jpeg Ultra rare 1 LC5D-IT051 it Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 5D's  €6.90
SDSE-IT-035.jpeg Common 1 SDSE-IT035 it Synchron Extreme Structure Deck  €1.90
5DS1-IT-032.jpeg Common U 5DS1-IT032 it Yu-Gi-Ho! 5D's Starter Deck N/A
5DS1-IT-032.jpeg Common 1 5DS1-IT032 it Yu-Gi-Ho! 5D's Starter Deck N/A