ZOMBIE WORLD  | AndyCards Srl

Mondo Zombie it

Zombie World

Set: DUOV - Duel Overload Show complete set
All monsters on the field and in the GYs become Zombie monsters. Neither player can Tribute Summon monsters, except Zombie monsters.
Tutti i mostri sul Terreno e nei Cimiteri diventano mostri Zombie. Nessun giocatore può Evocare mostri tramite Tributo, eccetto mostri Zombie.
1st edition
Ultra rare
Field spell
Speed duel

Purchase options

4 available Near mint (1st edition)

Different versions of the card

Rarity Ed. Code Language Set Price
Pink rare U DL13-EN017 en Duelist League 13 N/A
Ultra rare 1 GFP2-EN154 en Ghosts From The Past: The 2Nd Haunting N/A
DUOV-EN-091.jpeg Ultra rare 1 DUOV-EN091 en Duel Overload N/A
SR07-EN-025.jpeg Common 1 SR07-EN025 en Zombie Horde Structure Deck N/A
OP07-EN-019.jpeg Common U OP07-EN019 en Ots Tournament Pack 7 N/A
Ultra rare 1 LCJW-EN213 en Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 4 : Joey's World  €9.90
Red rare U DL13-EN017 en Duelist League 13 N/A
Green rare U DL13-EN017 en Duelist League 13 N/A
Blue rare U DL13-EN017 en Duelist League 13 N/A
Common U SDZW-EN017 en Zombie World N/A
Common 1 SDZW-EN017 en Zombie World N/A
DL13-IT-017RO.jpeg Red rare U DL13-IT017 it Duelist League 13 N/A
Common 1 SDZW-IT017 it Zombie World N/A
DL13-IT-017VI.jpeg Pink rare U DL13-IT017 it Duelist League 13  €29.90
LCJW-IT-213.jpeg Ultra rare 1 LCJW-IT213 it Mega Pack - Legendary Collection 4 : Joey's World  €9.90
DL13-IT-017VE.jpeg Green rare U DL13-IT017 it Duelist League 13 N/A
OP07-IT-019.jpeg Common U OP07-IT019 it Ots Tournament Pack 7 N/A
DL13-IT-017BL.jpeg Blue rare U DL13-IT017 it Duelist League 13 N/A
SR07-IT-025.jpeg Common 1 SR07-IT025 it Zombie Horde Structure Deck  €1.90
Common U SDZW-IT017 it Zombie World N/A
GFP2-IT-154.jpeg Ultra rare 1 GFP2-IT154 it Ghosts From The Past: The 2Nd Haunting  €2.90