Twin-Headed Behemoth en

Behemoth Bifronte

Set: LOD - Legacy of Darkness Vedi tutto il set
If this monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, this monster is Special Summoned with an ATK and DEF of 1000 during the End Phase of the turn. This effect can be used only once during the current Duel. NEW TEXT: If this card is destroyed and sent from the field to the Graveyard, it will be Special Summoned during the End Phase with an ATK and DEF of 1000. You can only use this effect once in the Duel.
Se questa carta sul Terreno è distrutta e mandata al Cimitero, Evocala tramite Evocazione Speciale durante l'End Phase di questo turno con 1000 ATK e 1000 DEF. Puoi utilizzare questo effetto solo una volta per Duello.
Super rara
Mostro effetto VENTO
Speed duel

Opzioni di acquisto

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Altre versioni di questa carta

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