DRAGO TIRANNO  | AndyCards Srl

Tyrant Dragon en

Drago Tiranno

Set: LOD - Legacy of Darkness Vedi tutto il set
When there is a monster on your opponent's side of the field after the first attack of your Battle Phase, this monster can attack once again during the same Battle Phase. In addition, negate the effect of a Trap Card that specifically designates this card as a target and destroy it. If this monster is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, you must offer 1 Dragon-Type monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. NEW TEXT: When there is a monster on your opponent's side of the field after this monster's first attack of your Battle Phase, this monster can attack once again during the same Battle Phase. In addition, negate the effect of a Trap Card that target this card and destroy it. If this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard by another card's effect, you must Tribute 1 Dragon-Type monster on your side of the field.
Se c'è un Mostro sul Terreno del tuo avversario dopo il primo attacco, questo mostro può attaccare un'altra volta durante la stessa Battle Phase. Inoltre, annulla l'effetto di una Carta Trappola che designa questa carta come bersaglio e distruggila. Se questo mostro viene Evocato tramite Evocazione Speciale dal Cimitero per effetto di un'altra carta, devi offrire come Tributo un mostro di Tipo Drago sul tuo Terreno.
Ultra rara
Mostro effetto FUOCO
Speed duel

Opzioni di acquisto

1 disponibile Very good (Unlimited)
24,90 €

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